American Jewelers - Traub Manufacturing Company


Traub Manufacturing Company was a Detroit, Michigan jewelry firm established in 1915. Most famous for its "Orange Blossom" design featured in some of their most popular rings, know that the famed garlanded blossoms were hand chased by Traub - and not merely cut in.

A victim of its own success, the Orange Blossom pattern was often copied or "knocked off" - so much so that Traub was forced to put out ads educating buyers to look for both the "orange blossom" and "Traub" hallmarks. Traub's May 12, 1923 ad in the Saturday Evening Post read, "If you wish to enjoy the exclusiveness of the genuine orange blossom design on a ring whose wearing qualities are unapproached, examine, when making your selection the inner surface of the ring," which is still good advice as numerous knock offs are still floating around today.

Have a Traub Orange Blossom to sell? Contact us at

American Jewelers - Traub Manufacturing Company

American Jewelers - Traub Manufacturing Company

American Jewelers - Traub Manufacturing Company

 Know your label. The famous Traub Orange Blossom hallmark:

American Jewelers - Traub Manufacturing Company